Get Paid to Read Email2

Saturday, January 06, 2007

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Paid Email Program2

Advanced ways.

Paid To Promote (PTP)

Paid to Promote sites provide you your own link to promote or advertise, you can get credit for every person that visits that page through the link. Go to your member area, you will find a link called PTP or Paid to Promote. Click on the link, you will be taken to your PTP area. You can find your PTP link under:-

'This is the link you should promote to get credit'

When you scroll down, you will find your PTP banner codes and banner samples. Simply copy the code from the box and paste it into web sites where you want to promote.

Refer the example below(PTP site),

Below that, you will be able to see your stats. The stats show the name of the site you are receiving hits from, total hits, valid hits and percentage valid..

Valid hit means, the member who clicked on your PTP link has allowed the page to load and stayed in the PTP link page until you received credit. For example, a site shows a one line notification as follows:
ClickAddict user sam has received 0.5cents for showing you this page.

Invalid hit means, the member who clicked on your PTP link has not stayed in the page long enough for you to receive credit.

PTP sites pay you a certain amount for 1000 times your link is shown or CPM( cost per 1000). For example, if a site offering 70cents/CPM, it means you will get 70cents for every 1000 visitors.

PTP approved site
PTP approved site provide functions to check if a sites is approved to display a PTP page and you can request approval if needed. Before you start promoting your PTP link, you should make sure you are doing it on an aproved site. Not every site is aproved for PTP and each program has different aproved sites. If your visitors come from an unaproved site, you will not get credit for their visits. Some programs have different links for advertising on different kinds of sites, like autosurfs and other PTPs.

Tier info
Tier info gives you details of category rating for countries which are based on advertising demand. It shows you the credit you will get for sending traffic to your link, depends on the country category. Look at below example:-

Catagory 1: Each hit will count as 1 credits
Catagory 2: Each hit will count as 0.6 credits
Catagory 3: Each hit will count as 0.4 credits
Catagory 4: Each hit will count as 0.25 credits
Catagory 5: Each hit will count as 0.1 credits
Default Catagory : Each hit will count as 0.25 credits

Unique Hits
Lets say you are promoting a PTP sites with 24 hour unique hits link. If a member clicks on that link, you will get credited for it. But if the same member clicks the links again before 24 hours, you will not get credited again. If he/she click again after 24 hours, you will get credited.

Minimum exchange quantity.
Usually, the minimum exchange quantity is 1000 credits, but there are some sites with 500 or 2000 credits. A 'convert' option will appear once you have reached the minimum exchange quantity. You can decide how much credit you wish to convert. For example, if the minimum exchange quantity is 1000 and you have 1500, you can either convert all the credits or convert just 1000. After you convert the money, it will show in your account balance.

Paid to sign up
Most paid email programs have a paid to sign up area. You will get paid to sign up with a program listed in that section. Remember, only sign up with programs that interest you. After you sign up for the program, you will receive a welcome email, copy your welcome email and submit it. Then you will get credited.

This is what you will see in paid to sign up site,

PTC contest
In PTC contest, you will not only received any cash or points for clicking on the banner or text links, but you will also stand a chance to win certain prize after a no. of banners or text links have been click.

Paid to search
In this section, you will get paid through points or cash for making valid searching. Paid to search is only available for certain country, so before you start doing any search, please read any notes the Program Owner have put in.

Redemption for ads
When you click on your redemption option, you will be taken to a page which lists out the redemption you are eligible. You can make redemptions for paid emails ads, PTC ads, PTP and etc. Usually you need to submit site URL or banner URL. For PTP and paid email ads, you can type something for the ads, for example:-
'Easy to reach payout'
'Click and let it load'
or you can simply copy and paste what is in the homepage at the site you are advertising.

Redemption for ads is a great way for you to recruits referrals. Referrals can help you boost your earning as you will earn commission from your referral earning. So try your best to get as many referrals as possible.

In order to advertise your referral link, go to your referral central. You will find your referral link and banners for you to promote to gain referrals. Then you can redeem an ads to advertise your referral site. If another member is interested in the site you advertise and join the site, you will have a referral. You can see the members you refer in your EARNING AREA.

The form for you to submit ads look like this,

Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.

You can get referrals too by advertise your PTP link. If interested people click in the 'join the site' link, it takes them to your referral link.

In addition, you can ask your friends to join under you or you can advertise your referral link in free classified sites, search engine, ezine and etc to get referrals.

How to request payment
Most paid email sites have a fixed amount of minimum payout.
Different paid email sites have different minimum payout.

Some sites offer different payout amounts depend on the online payment system.
For example:-
$1.00 via E-Gold
$3.00 via Paypal

While some sites offer different payout amounts depending upon the membership level.
The higher the membership level, the lower the payout amount. For example;
$5.00 Payout for Free Members
$3.00 Payout for Bronze Members
$1.00 Payout for Silver Members
No Minimum Payout for Gold Members

When you reach the minimum payout, go to your earning page. Below your earning, there is an area say:-

'A cashout button will appear when you reach your minimum payout.'

Once you reach the payout, the button will appear for you to withdraw your payment. When you click on it, it will take you to an area where your input is needed to make payment. In the page you will be requested to select the mode of payment (e-gold, paypal etc.). After that you need to fill in the amount you would like to get paid.

Some Advices for Paid Email
1. Do not join too many paid email program in the hope of earning more money. The more you join, the more paid emails you will receive and the more time you will spend on clicking the advertisements. You are recommended to join only 3-7 paid email programs and concentrate on them. Take advantage of the other earning opportunities such as PTP, and PTC contest.

2. Communicate with the webmaster. This will help you get to know them and understand them and perhaps get a heads up if the site is going to be around for a while.

3. Always do some research before you upgrade your membership.

4. Combine sites. Joining sites that work well together on redemptions is a must. It will help you earn, and promote your sites for FREE. This will helps you earn even more.

5. Join mix of paid email sites that offering low payouts, minimum monthly payout and high payout sites (above $10).

6. Get more referrals. The more referrals the more you will earn.

7. Before you start signing up, learn more about paid email program by visiting forum like Get Paid Forum.

8. Do not use your personal email account to register with paid email program. Get other email addresses for these paid email program. Yahoo and gmail are great. Hotmail usually bounces.

9. Always read the terms and help pages before joining paid email program.

10. Stay active, and check your account often.

In order to earn money through paid email program, you need to put a lot of time, energy and patience into it. At first you may earn few dollars at a time then you can see your earning gradually increasing. It will be a slow process, just be patience and keep on going. Eventually, you may earn few hundred dollars a month.

I hope this blog can help you to gain more knowledge about paid email program.


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